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Hokitika / South Westland Newcomers Network

Upcoming Events in Hokitika / South Westland

Join us to get notified of future events

About us

Westland District stretches some 400 kilometres from the Taramakau River in the north to Barn Bay in the south and is bordered by the Tasman Sea to the west and the magnificent Southern Alps to the east. Within its boundaries can be found flowing icy glaciers, rugged beaches scattered with driftwood, bush-clad mountains and crystal-clear lakes and rivers surrounded by towering native forests.

Our Coordinator: Carolina

Kia ora, my name is Carolina, and I am the Newcomers Network coordinator for Hokitika. 

I look forward to welcoming you, inviting you to our events and activities, and connecting you to other newcomers in the area. 

See what we've been up to

Please send us your Hokitika / South Westland Newcomer Event photos and we will add them to our gallery.

Click on a thumbnail below to see larger view of image and use the keyboard arrows to scroll through.


Contact Hokitika/South Westland Newcomers Network
Email Us
KFF 2019


If there isn’t a group in your town, why not start one?
Just send us an email & we’ll help.

Contact Us

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