We sincerely hope your journey over the last few weeks – navigating the different Covid-19 alert levels, adapting to all the changes and coming through to the new Level 1 experience – has gone as well as possible for you all.
This time has certainly made us all realise the importance of focusing on ‘Wellbeing’ in life – wellbeing of self, of our families, our communities and our nation Aotearoa New Zealand too.
And so we are very happy that the Newcomers Networks all around the country will be able to restart activities and events to get everyone together again – so that newcomers from other parts of the world and from within New Zealand can enjoy the benefits of social connection and belonging.
Our latest addition to the NZ Newcomers Network Alliance – the Clutha Newcomers Network – which we set up just before the start of lockdown – is like the others ready to go and has already started planning its activities! Have a look at their webpage so you can join them and find out more about their upcoming activities: Clutha Newcomers Network
Wellbeing really means many different things, but it implies that we take time to do the things for ourselves that are beneficial to our minds, bodies and spirits. If we can embrace our diversity and that of others and connect on a very deeply human level in a safe environment, then we have a sense of true social connection – where we can belong and where we can thrive. It is our hope that the Newcomers Networks in your region will be able to help you with this very important aspect of life, during the next phase of transitioning to a ‘new’ normal and life in our community and society.
Go well!